Frequently Asked Questions
Revitalize Tri Delta Transit will seek to meet the following goals:
Reflect actual travel needs for all riders, especially transit-dependent community members to provide better transit access to local jobs, health care, school, shopping, recreation and other essential destinations
Incorporate new technologies including further developing Tri MyRide service
Adjust weekend service levels and encourage increased ridership
Create a more efficient system
Eliminate duplicative service
What are the goals of Revitalize Tri Delta Transit?
Tri Delta Transit is already changing some of their service routes. Is this part of this project?
Over the last year, Tri Delta Transit discontinued several routes with low ridership; however, these adjustments do not change the overall footprint of the system, and service hours remain above pre-pandemic levels. Discontinued routes are separate from Revitalize Tri Delta Transit, which is an in-depth analysis of transit conditions across the service area.
Contact Us
If you have comments or questions about Revitalize Tri Delta Transit please reach out to the project team at